
DuBlocker - Anti Ad Blockers for All Sites

Buy DuBlocker

Anti AdBlock Detector
for All Sites

DuBlocker is a powerful Anti AdBlock jQuery Plugin and money-saving plugin for authors and creators. The goal of this Plugin is to force a website visitor to disable browser extensions that block ads. The Plugin defines most browser extensions for ads blocking, such as AdBlock & Adblock Plus, uBlock & uBlocker, AdGuard AdBlocker, Poper Blocker, Ads Killer, Adaware Ad Block, Easy Ad Blocker, and many others.

DuBlocker is designed to maximally block the use of Ad Blocker extensions. The user will not be able to open the context menu, will not be able to select and copy something on the page, and also will not be able to use hotkeys until he turns off AdBlock.

Turn on your AdBlock to see the DuBlocker in action

Please disable Ad Blockers

Please disable AdBlock to proceed to the destination page.